
Unitary planar solid oxide fuel cells with gadolinium-doped barium cerate protonic conductor solid electrolyte, slurry- coated thin film La0.6Ca0.4Fe0.8Co0.2O2.74 anode, and thin film Pt cathode have been put into operation in the temperature range 500ºC-900ºC using different fuel-oxidant combinations: H2-air, (30%H2,70%N2)-air, (10%CH4,90%Ar)-air, and C2H5OH-air. The sintered ceramic protonic conductors with dimensions φ=25mm and 1 mm thickness were characterized by determination of density by He picnometry, structural phase by X-ray diffraction and electrical behavior from 500 ºC to 1000 ºC by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in the 5 Hz - 13 MHz frequency range. An experimental setup has also been built for testing electrolyte-supported cells fueled by H2, H2-Ar, CH4-Ar, C¬2H5O-N2. Several ceramic sealants were tested for allowing thermal cycling of the cells without cracking. The OCV time dependence, the current-voltage plot, and the Z' x Z' impedance diagrams, collected in the 300ºC-900ºC range, show the possibilities of operation of the cell.

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