
Cephy is a software toolkit written inJava that enables the user to perform spatial interpolation of subsurface data by ordinary kriging. Key features of the software include data exploration by map plot with symbol dimension proportional to the magnitude of the property at a given location;variogram modeling and interpolation of petrophysical properties;as well as oil in placeestimationper area unit throughout the reservoir. Cephy enables the user to define the tolerance and the minimum number of pairs required to validate the experimental variogram of the corresponding lag distance when learning the relationship between geolocated data. The software is entirelymade of a graphical user interface for adjusting the variogram modeling parameters and visualizing the subsequent interpolationally-generated map.Cephy is applied on Kinkasi reservoir in Kinkasi field (Coastal basin of DR Congo) to demonstrate its functionalities. The result supports a better understanding of oil distribution throughout the reservoir and can be used as a baseline forthesuggestion of new infill drilling locations.

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