
Coleoid cephalopods, including squid, cuttlefish, and octopus, have large and complex nervous systems and high-acuity, camera-type eyes. These traits are comparable only to features that are independently evolved in the vertebrate lineage. The size of animal nervous systems and the diversity of their constituent cell types is a result of the tight regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation in development. Changes in the process of development during evolution that result in a diversity of neural cell types and variable nervous system size are not well understood. Here, we have pioneered live-imaging techniques and performed functional interrogation to show that the squid Doryteuthis pealeii utilizes mechanisms during retinal neurogenesis that are hallmarks of vertebrate processes. We find that retinal progenitor cells in the squid undergo nuclear migration until they exit the cell cycle. We identify retinal organization corresponding to progenitor, post-mitotic, and differentiated cells. Finally, we find that Notch signaling may regulate both retinal cell cycle and cell fate. Given the convergent evolution of elaborate visual systems in cephalopods and vertebrates, these results reveal common mechanisms that underlie the growth of highly proliferative neurogenic primordia. This work highlights mechanisms that may alter ontogenetic allometry and contribute to the evolution of complexity and growth in animal nervous systems.

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