
Cephalometry is one of the important diagnostic tools for assessment of jaw relationship. Sagittal jaw relationship is of utmost concern to the patients and orthodontist. Many linear and angular parameters are used for measurement of sagittal jaw discrepancies. This article reviews various AP cephalometric parameters


  • There are various methods used in orthodontics for treatment planning which includes clinical examination, model analysis, various radiographs like OPG, lateral cephalogram, PA cephalogram

  • Antero-posterior jaw relationship is of utmost concern in evaluating the type of skeletal pattern

  • Several studies[11,14,15,16] showed it is due to Nasion point; which is not fixed during growth that affects ANB angle

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There are various methods used in orthodontics for treatment planning which includes clinical examination, model analysis, various radiographs like OPG, lateral cephalogram, PA cephalogram. There have been many parameters introduced for evaluation of sagittal and vertical discrepancies. ANB angle,[1] Wits appraisal,[2] W angle,[3] Beta angle,[4] Yen angle,[5] HBN angle[6] and SAR angle[7] have been defined for sagittal jaw relationship. Each of these parameters has their own advantages and drawbacks. This review article briefly describes these parameters in chronological order of their discovery and their use in orthodontics

Antero-posterior dysplasia8
Jenkin’s ‘A’ plane18
AXD angle and AD’19
Wit’s Appraisal of jaw disharmony2
11. Quadrilateral Analysis or Proportional Analysis28
12. McNamara Maxillo-mandibular Differential29
13. AF-BF Distance – The assessment of antero-posterior jaw relationship30
15. FH to AB Plane Angle32 Introduced by
16. Beta Angle4 Introduced by
17. Overjet as a predictor of sagittal dysplasia33
18. Yen angle5
19. Dentoskeletal Overjet34
21. Pi analysis35
23. HBN angle6 Introduced by
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