
SUMMARY The new species Cephaloascus albidus was isolated from cranberry pumace in Nova Scotia, Canada. It differs from the only other known species of Cephaloascus, C. fragrans, in assimilating a greater number of compounds and in being nonpigmented and heterothallic. Methods for carrying out fermentation and assimilation tests, and procedures for morphological examination were previously given by Wickerham (1951). Single ascospore isolates were obtained by micro- manipulation. All cultures used in this study are maintained by the ARS Culture Collection at the Northern Regional Research Center. Mycelium to be examined by transmission electron microscopy was fixed in 1% potassium permanganate for 1 h and dehydrated through a graded ethanol series (25%, 50%, 75%, 95%, 100%, 100%, 30-min intervals). Fixation and dehydration were carried out at 5 C. Fol- lowing fixation, the mycelium was embedded in Spurr epoxy resin

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