
The centre of interest of this research article is the association between chief executive officer (CEO) characteristics and firm performance. Employing a sample of Nifty 500 firms, the support found recommends that demographic and job-related characteristics may be related with the firm’s financial performance. We consider CEO gender, duality, nationality, remuneration and education level as CEO characteristics and we employ return on assets (ROA) as a representative for firm performance. This study widens the understanding of the important function played by the CEO and provides better insight into CEO-specific variables. Specifically, the reported findings specify a positive relationship between CEO remuneration and firm performance, thus indicating that compensation acts as a good inducement for executives to yield finer firm performance while CEO nationality appears to inhibit it, steering foreign directors to a minority spot. This implies that remuneration should be more thoughtfully attached to performance, so that proficient CEOs are not lured by more tempted compensation elsewhere and the decision to engage foreign nationals to company boards must be based on norms other than the firm’s future financial performance.

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