
Early stages of pseudothecium development consist of small pseudoparenchymatous stromata in which ascogonia differentiate. Deeply staining cells in the apical region of the young pseudothecium elongate to form pseudoparaphyses, which grow down to fill the centrum. Ascogenous hyphae grow out from ascogenous cells, located in the basal plectenchyma, and croziers arise and proliferate from the ascogenous hyphae. Bitunicate asci grow up among the pseudoparaphyses and forcibly discharge two‐celled hyaline ascospores at maturity. Because centrum development in Didymella bryoniae (Auersw.) Rehm is pseudoparaphysate, the causal agent of gummy stem blight in watermelon is properly placed in the order Pleosporales. The placement of this species in Didymella on the basis of the Ascochyta cucumis Fautr. et Roum. anamorph is supported by centrum structure.

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