
We have examined the F-actin and myosin distribution in resting and thrombin-activated platelets by double label immunofluorescence microscopy. In resting, discoid platelets, F-actin and myosin staining was distributed in a diffuse pattern throughout the interior of the cell with slight accentuation at the cell periphery. In contrast, platelet factor 4 antigen (PF4) was more centrally localized in a fine punctate distribution which is consistent with its localization in α-granules. Within 5 sec after thrombin stimulation both F-actin and myosin staining were increased at the periphery of the now spherical platelets. Subsequently, a myosin-containing spherical structure decreased in diameter closely surrounding a phase-dense central zone. In contrast, F-actin staining continued to be accentuated at the cell periphery and was prominent in filopodia and blebs. As previously shown, PF4 staining was localized after 30 sec within large intracellular masses that corresponded to closed vacuolar structures at the ultrastructural level. Morphometric analysis of electron micrographs showed that formation of these vacuolar structures kinetically paralleled α-granule disappearance and preceded PF4 release. These PF4-containing structures translocated to the cell periphery after 1–3 min, where they appeared to fuse with the plasma membrane. Ultrastructural analysis of thin sections showed that the myosin-rich spherical structure spatially and temporally correlated with a band of microfilaments that closely surrounded the organelle-rich central zone of the cell. Morphometric analysis of these micrographs showed that the absolute volume of this central zone decreased with time after thrombin addition, showing a significant change after 15 sec and reaching a maximum value after 3–5 min. Changes in the volume of this compartment kinetically preceded PF4 release. On the basis of these data, we propose that an actomyosin contractile force is generated which centripetally redistributes the myosinrich structure and organelle zone. Conceivably this inward force may not only accelerate granule-granule fusion to form intracellular secretory vacuoles, but may also provide aid in their extrusion toward the platelet plasma membrane.

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