
The geometric morphometric (GMM) construction of Procrustes shape coordinates from a data set of homologous landmark configurations puts exact algebraic constraints on position, orientation, and geometric scale. While position as digitized is not ordinarily a biologically meaningful quantity, and orientation is relevant mainly when some organismal function interacts with a Cartesian positional gradient such as horizontality, size per se is a crucially important biometric concept, especially in contexts like growth, biomechanics, or bioenergetics. “Normalizing” or “standardizing” size (usually by dividing the square root of the summed squared distances from the centroid out of all the Cartesian coordinates specimen by specimen), while associated with the elegant symmetries of the Mardia–Dryden distribution in shape space, nevertheless can substantially impeach the validity of any organismal inferences that ensue. This paper adapts two variants of standard morphometric least-squares, principal components and uniform strains, to circumvent size standardization while still accommodating an analytic toolkit for studies of differential growth that supports landmark-by-landmark graphics and thin-plate splines. Standardization of position and orientation but not size yields the coordinates Franz Boas first discussed in 1905. In studies of growth, a first principal component of these coordinates often appears to involve most landmarks shifting almost directly away from their centroid, hence the proposed model’s name, “centric allometry.” There is also a joint standardization of shear and dilation resulting in a variant of standard GMM’s “nonaffine shape coordinates” where scale information is subsumed in the affine term. Studies of growth allometry should go better in the Boas system than in the Procrustes shape space that is the current conventional workbench for GMM analyses. I demonstrate two examples of this revised approach (one developmental, one phylogenetic) that retrieve all the findings of a conventional shape-space-based approach while focusing much more closely on the phenomenon of allometric growth per se. A three-part Appendix provides an overview of the algebra, highlighting both similarities to the Procrustes approach and contrasts with it.


  • A Suggestive “new” Diagram Style from 1905Many students of geometric morphometrics (GMM) as applied in evolutionary biology will already have encountered some version of Fig. 1a, the standard display of the Procrustes shape coordinates for the neuroanatomical octagon of midsagittal landmarks from the Vilmann data set of laboratory rodents radiographed longitudinally at eight ages (7 days, 14, 21, 30, 40, 60, 90, and 150 days)

  • Why should this author and every later investigator into the multivariate structure of this classic data set ever have bothered to divide out Centroid Size in investigations where the ultimate organismal interpretation will require that division to be reversed?3 For studies along these lines, this paper has introduced a new analysis of landmark configurations that does, cancel out the effects of this specific biologically inappropriate step in the standard algorithm

  • I do not grant any priority as regards landmark-based allometric studies to the most celebrated of the early 20thcentury approaches, even though it is customarily taken to have launched the method of grids exploited in several of our figures

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A Suggestive “new” Diagram Style from 1905

Many students of geometric morphometrics (GMM) as applied in evolutionary biology will already have encountered some version of Fig. 1a, the standard display of the Procrustes shape coordinates for the neuroanatomical octagon of midsagittal landmarks from the Vilmann data set of. Why should this author and every later investigator into the multivariate structure of this classic data set ever have bothered to divide out Centroid Size in investigations where the ultimate organismal interpretation will require that division to be reversed?3 For studies along these lines, this paper has introduced a new analysis of landmark configurations that does, cancel out the effects of this specific biologically inappropriate step in the standard algorithm. These two measures correlate nearly 0.999, and both are in units of length, but only the Boas version incorporates (via its loadings) the actual effect profile of size as an allometric factor, the presumptive deliverable of a growth allometry analysis. In the title of Gould’s great 1966 article, “Allometry and size in ontogeny and phylogeny,” it appears that there is a much deeper connection between allometry and ontogeny than between allometry and phylogeny, at least when allometry is treated at this level of morphometric detail

A1: From Interlandmark Distances to Centroid Size
A2: Rotation as the Linearized Complement to Centroid Size for Landmark Data
A3: Centric Allometry as a Further Least‐Squares Computation
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