
This report is the result of the inception phase of a project aiming at a Centre of Excellence in Horticulture (CEH) at the Complex Horticole d’Agadir (CHA) of the Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II. The project is commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and financed by The Netherlands Enterprise Agency. Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has implemented the project in coordination with the Complex Horticole d’Agadir. The objective of the inception phase is to draft a scientific programme for the CEH and consists of the following components: The development of a 5-year scientific programme in a participatory process, involving all relevant stakeholders. The identification of possible Dutch involvement in the execution of the scientific programme, including action plans, planning and budget estimations. The identification of design parameters of a greenhouse complex suitable for research, demonstration and training as needed for the proper execution of the scientific programme. The inception report is considered as a consultancy activity and covers two parts: Conceptual design of a demonstration and research greenhouse in the region of Agadir, Morocco Scientific and education programme of the Centre of Excellence in Horticulture of Agadir.

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