
Intracerebroventricular bombesin alters arterial pressure and gastrointestinal transit in rats. In order to evaluate the influence of bombesin on arterial and gastric intraluminal pressure in a specific site in the central nervous system, we microinjected bombesin into the medial subnucleus of the nucleus tractus solitarius (mNTS) in 28 rats anesthetized with choralose. Bombesin (78 pmole in 25 nl), but not vehicle, caused an increase of tonic gastric intraluminal pressure (2.6±0.5 cm H 2O) and of phasic gastric intraluminal pressures but did not acutely alter arterial pressure. The effect on tonic and phasic gastric intraluminal pressure was dose-dependent. The threshold dose was 7.8 pmole. Intravenous bombesin caused a similar dose-dependent rise in tonic gastric intraluminal pressure but did not significantly change the mean amplitude of phasic gastric intraluminal pressures. Transection of the cervical spinal cord and both cervical vagus nerves blocked the effect of centrally but not peripherally administered bombesin. We conclude that bombesin microinjected into the mNTS does not influence arterial pressure but does raise tonic and phasic gastric intraluminal pressures. Bombesin may act in the NTS as a central modulator of gastric motility.

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