
Background: Vanet the recent emerging technology in the recent industry has grabbed the attention with advanced techniques and extricate framework of sophisticated equipments. Initially absence of an infrastructure in this network has communication constraints for the nodes involved therein. Adding to this the dynamic topology makes the network more vulnerable for potential targets of security and reliability of data diffusion within these nodes. The communication standard i.e. 802.11p have some optional channel rejection in the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing in the Physical layer which motivated to work on the reliability methods of data dissemination. Methods: To start with the hidden terminal issues of these networks have to be addressed which can be resolved by frame capture. This frame capture quality in turn is determined by the Contention window of the Physical layer. Hence an adaptive mechanism that involves forward Error correction (AFEC) which helps to overcome packet losses in an efficient way in midst of channel fluctuation, burst packet loss. The results are simulated in NS2 (2.34) with static packet size of 512 bytes. Findings: The experimental results demonstrated that the FEC mechanism is more adaptive in adjusting and controlling the data redundancy across the network for static and dynamic channel fluctuations. The redundancy rate was further reduced with an adaptive technique on the Contention Window size, which had considerable effects of every transmission on the delay, through put and jitter. The centralized FEC algorithm is set on an adaptive platform where each vehicle updates its back off window size at the end of each Observation Time depending on the priority of the message received. The feasible part of this algorithm is that it can be implemented on the MAC layer, which has a Reception Module. Consequently, the proposed mechanism under various network conditions performs well in terms of QoS for emergency messages than the conventional methods for a less volume of data. Application/Improvements: The algorithm can be analyzed from a traffic scenario of two-way highway and rural areas. The progress of the work can also be carried out for multimedia messages.

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