
We observed seven central stars of planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and performed a model-based analysis of these spectra in conjunction with Hubble Space Telescope spectra in the UV and optical range to determine the stellar and nebular parameters. Most of the objects show wind features, and they have effective temperatures ranging from 38 to 60 kK with mass-loss rates of ≃5 × 10-8 M☉ yr-1. Five of the objects have typical LMC abundances. One object (SMP LMC 61) is a [WC4] star, and we fit its spectra with He/C/O-rich abundances typical of the [WC] class and find its atmosphere to be Fe-deficient. Most objects have very hot (T ≳ 2000 K) molecular hydrogen (H2) in their nebulae, which may indicate a shocked environment. One of these (SMP LMC 62) also displays O VI λλ1032, 1038 nebular emission lines, rarely observed in PNe.

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