
In Reply. —We agree with Dr Coppeto that the FM 100 can be clinically useful in discriminating between CSR and optic nerve disease. We compared the results of the FM 100 in a number of patients with CSR and optic neuritis who had similar degrees of visual loss. Patients with CSR who had active neurosensory retinal detachment indeed tended to show a blue-yellow (tritan) discrimination axis defect, whereas patients with optic neuritis often manifested a red-green (mostly deutan) type of defect, as has been described. However, we also found, as have others, occasional blue-yellow defects in optic neuritis. This finding, along with our observation that only about one third of either group of patients manifest a discrete axis of discrimination loss, would seem to limit the usefulness of the FM 100 in differentiating CSR from optic neuritis. Furthermore, in recently recovered cases of CSR and optic neu-ritis, in which the

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