
Partial Bergman kernels $\Pi_{k, E}$ are kernels of orthogonal projections onto subspaces $\mathcal{k} \subset H^0(M, L^k)$ of holomorphic sections of the $k$th power of an ample line bundle over a Kahler manifold $(M, \omega)$. The subspaces of this article are spectral subspaces $\{\hat{H}_k \leq E\}$ of the Toeplitz quantization $\hat{H}_k$ of a smooth Hamiltonian $H: M \to \mathbb{R}$. It is shown that the relative partial density of states $\frac{\Pi_{k, E}(z)}{\Pi_k(z)} \to {1}_{\mathcal{A}}$ where $\mathcal{A} = \{H < E\}$. Moreover it is shown that this partial density of states exhibits `Erf'-asymptotics along the interface $\partial \mathcal{A}$, that is, the density profile asymptotically has a Gaussian error function shape interpolating between the values $1,0$ of ${1}_{\mathcal{A}}$. Such `erf'-asymptotics are a universal edge effect. The different types of scaling asymptotics are reminiscent of the law of large numbers and central limit theorem

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