
This paper is a continuation of the paper "Central Equilibria in Multilocus Systems I," concentrating on existence and stability properties accruing to central H-W type equilibria in multilocus bisexual systems acted on by generalized nonepistatic selection forces coupled to recombination events. The stability conditions are discussed and interpreted in three perspectives, and the influence of sexual differences in linkage relationships together with sex-dependent selection is appraised. In this case we deduce that the stability conditions of the H-W polymorphism in the bisexual model coincide exactly with the conditions for the corresponding monoecious model, provided that the recombination distribution imposed is that of the arithmetic mean of the male and female recombination distributions. A second concern has the same recombination distribution for both sexes, but contrasting selection regimes between sexes. It is then established that, with respect to discerning the relevance of the H-W equilibrium, there is an equivalent monoecious selection regime which is an appropriate "weighted combination" of the male and female selection forms. Finally, in the case where the selection and recombination structures are both sex dependent, a hierarchy of comparisons is elaborated, seeking to unravel the nature of selection-recombination interaction for monoecious versus diocecious systems.

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