
This 'concept' registry study evaluated the efficacy of Pycnogenol® and the combination Pycnogenol® and Centella Asiatica (Centellicum®) in controlling over 12 months the increasing number of arterial/cardiac calcifications in subjects with asymptomatic atherosclerosis. The study included 3 groups of 30 males with asymptomatic coronary calcifications. Group one was followed with standard management (SM); group 2 used SM and Pycnogenol® (150 mg/day); group 3 used the combination Pycnogenol® (150 mg/day) + Centellicum® (450 mg/day). All subjects took cardioaspirin (Bayer, 100 mg/day). No dropouts, no clinical events were observed in 12 months. The 3 groups had comparable demographic and medical characteristics at baseline. No tolerability problems and no side effects from supplementation were reported. After 12 months, oxidative stress was significantly decreased (P<0.05) in both groups taking Pycnogenol®. The evaluation of the number of calcifications >1 mm indicated a trend in controls using SM towards a progressive increase in calcifications. At 12 months the decrease in the number of calcifications with the combined supplements (Pycnogenol® and Centellicum®) (group 3) was -9.952% and thus significantly better that in the other two groups (P<0.05). Pycnogenol® alone was more effective than SM alone in controlling the variation in calcifications (P<0.05). Considering a 34.88% increase in SM subjects, the total absolute difference between SM (34.8%) and the decrease observed in group 3 (-9.95%) was 44.75% (P<0.02). This indicates that supplementation with the combined supplements blocks the increase in calcified areas and, possibly, in time may decrease the number of calcified spots. This study shows that there is a significant activity of the complex Pycnogenol®+ Centellicum® in reducing the progressive diffusion of central cardiovascular calcifications-associated with advanced plaques - in a relatively short period of time. Longer studies - focusing also on events - may better evaluate the efficacy of these standardized supplements combination on the evolution of atherosclerosis.

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