
Central blockade of mineralocorticoid receptors (MR) prevents sc aldosterone (aldo) induced hypertension. We examined whether the SFO and aldo synthesized locally in the brain mediate sc aldo - induced hypertension. Wistar rats with telemetry probes were treated with icv infusion of AS inhibitor FAD286 (25 μg/d); icv eplerenone (5 μg/d); or icv vehicle. After 2 d, sc infusion of aldo (1 μg/h) was started and 0.9% saline given as drinking water for all. One extra group of rats was given saline without sc aldo. In a 2nd set of rats with telemetry, electrolytic lesions/sham lesions of the SFO were performed and sc aldo and saline started 1 wk after. Three wk after sc aldo, rats were decapitated and brain and trunk blood collected. Inhibition of AS, MR blockade, and SFO lesions attenuated sc aldo -induced pressor responses by ~60%. These results suggest that the SFO plays a crucial role in sc aldo induced hypertension possibly by responding to circulating aldo and relaying signals to increase local production of aldo and activate aldo-MR neuromodulatory pathways. Data=means± SE (n=5–9/group). *p<0.05, vs. others, a:p<0.05, vs. vehicle or sham lesion. (Supported by grant # FRN:MOP-74432 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research)

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