
High-precision vehicle positioning is key to the implementation of modern driving systems in urban environments. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) carrier phase measurements can provide millimeter- to centimeter-level positioning, provided that the integer ambiguities are correctly resolved. Abundant code measurements are often used to facilitate integer ambiguity resolution (IAR); however, they suffer from signal blockage and multipath effects in urban canyons. In this contribution, a light detection and ranging (lidar)-aided instantaneous ambiguity resolution method is proposed. Lidar measurements, in the form of 3D keypoints, are generated by a learning-based point cloud registration method using a pre-built high-definition map and integrated with GNSS observations in a mixed measurement model to produce precise float solutions, which in turn increase the ambiguity success rate. Closed-form expressions of the ambiguity variance matrix and the associated Ambiguity Dilution of Precision (ADOP) are developed to provide a priori evaluation of such lidar-aided ambiguity resolution performance. Both analytical and experimental results show that the proposed method enables successful instantaneous IAR with limited GNSS satellites and frequencies, leading to centimeter-level vehicle positioning.

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