
The first chapter is identify the research and deals with the problems through Iraqi child expose to several psychological and social problems which limit the motivation of learning in him. As the curriculum depends on the traditional method in lecturing and keeping in heart we see it is necessary to shade light on use the play of learning to aid the pupil to keep the studying subject in his mind . Also the importance of the research appears in that the intermediate stage represents one of the important environments in which education process is cultured in all its dimensions ,characteristics and components .The standard of civilization among the nations is the amount of each mother concern in her children . The objective of the research is to identify importance of curriculum play as a modern teaching method aid in affirm the study subjects for intermediate stage pupils .The research limits were on curriculum making plays in all of intermediate stage for all levels from first to six year .Each concept of curriculum play making ( drama experience) and the term affirming Second Chapter This chapter includes theoretical frame and previous studies :The axies of theoretical frame were : The evolution of teaching games through histories , principles of play making and teaching steps according to strategy of curriculum and characteristics of verbal expressions for pupils of intermediate Also it includes a group of Iraqi and Arabic and foreign studies such : Al-noory study 1999 : ( The Effect of several Teaching Games in Developing Self-Trust And Its Relations With Studying Awards At Intermediate Stage Pupils ) Mustafa Study 2008 : (The Effect Of Use Teaching Games And Figures in Acquiring Some Sport Concepts In Special Education Pupils) . Study of Mustafa Suliman 1991 (The Effect Of Use Teaching Games And Figures in Understand Some Sport Concepts Student –Teacher ) Keen Study 1980 ( The Effect Of Teaching Games in Articulation Of Third, Fourth And Fifth Year Pupils in Intermediate Stage . Third Chapter This chapter deals with curriculum plays making .It includes :Teaching methods , curriculums , teacher , learner .Also it explains aspects of expression I psychology , social ,thinking linguistic communication as well as expression in conversation ,discussion ,story speech words reports and free expression . Fourth chapter The most important conclusions are : It is possible to play making of all curriculums without exceptions . Curriculums play makings considered a medium to introduce human experience and media , education and entertainment method . The most important recommendations are : Curriculum Planners care for play making contain to make the classroom interested for the pupils. The necessity of coordination between Ministry of Education and Ministry of Culture and Media in order to make curriculum making and benefit from mss media in education and in teaching to the highest degree . The researcher makes the following studies : 1-The effect of use curriculum playmaking in motivation of pupils towards English language subject for five year . 2-The play making in enhance patriotic spirit in fifth year student. The researcher

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