
<p>高雄長庚紀念醫院品質管理中心以「創新品質與病人安全管理專業」運用「資訊智能資源整合」發展「卓越醫療品質特色」等成果,榮獲2022年第23屆國家醫療品質獎―卓越中心之殊榮。中心核心團隊發展專業特色如:「智能指標管理,做為高層決策之依據」、「建立病安通報系統,確保病人安全」、「研發醫病共享決策(Shared Decision Making, SDM)輔助工具,創立國際中文版翻譯」、「開發急性腎損傷(acute kidney injury, AKI)智能照護系統」、「營造優質病安文化」、「積極人才培育專業證照」等,引領全院進行跨領域專業多元合作,提供最高品質的醫療服務。榮獲「卓越中心」象徵本院為實現正向醫品病安文化價值,全方位提升醫療品質及病人安全成效之肯定,期望藉此經驗分享,引領同儕,追求更卓越的醫療品質。</p> <p> </p><p>The center of quality management, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital has utilized its innovation and professionalism in quality and patient safety management to facilitate smart information and resource integration, achieving outstanding healthcare quality. In 2022, these achievements enabled the center to win the 23rd National Healthcare Quality Award in the Excellent Center category. The core management team of the center has developed the following professional features: smart index management for providing referential data to hospital executives when making decisions; establishing a patient safety report system to ensure the safety of all patients; developing the patient decision aids (PDAs) for shared decision making (SDM) and translating the international PDAs into Mandarin Chinese version; developing an acute kidney injury care system; fostering adequate patient safety culture; and promoting talent cultivation and professional certification. The center guides the entire hospital staff to participate in interdisciplinary collaboration to provide healthcare services of the highest quality. Winning the Excellent Center Award signifies approval of the efforts made by the hospital to promote positive healthcare culture and values through enhancing every aspect of healthcare quality and patient safety. By sharing its experience, the center hopes to play a leading role in the healthcare industry and help other institutions strive for excellent healthcare quality.</p> <p> </p>

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