
Three independent volcanic suites have been recognised in W Bohemia: (i) the old unimodal alkaline ol. nephelinite-tephrite (29-19 Ma) in the Ohře Rift, (ii) two contemporaneous weakly (trachybasalt/trachyandesite-trachyte/rhyolite; 13-11 Ma) and strongly (ol. nephelinite-tephrite/basanite; 12-8 Ma) alkaline series in the flank of the Cheb-Domažlice Graben formed by the Tepla Highland and (iii) the young unimodal ol. melilitite/ol. nephelinite alkaline suite (2.0-0.12 Ma) at the intersection of the above mentioned structures in the Cheb Basin. The magmas of all the suites are mantle-derived and, in the case of the Cheb-Domažlice Graben series, associated with the AFC process. Two main fault systems: (i) ENE-WSW and (ii) NNW-SSE are developed in W Bohemia, corresponding to the directions of the two prominent taphrogenic structures. The southwesterly continuation of the Ohře Rift across the Marianske Lazně Fault is marked by volcanics only.

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