
The purpose of this study is to estimate Ex vivo physicochemical and biological features of three-dimensional (3D) biodegradable matrices “polylactic acid/calcium phosphates” (hereafter 3D composites) designed with the help of additive technologies (3D printing) as potential materials for bone tissue regeneration. Materials and methods. Experimental samples (disks 1,2–1,6 mm thick, and 11 mm or 8 mm in diameter) of composite biodegradable 3D matrices (hereafter 3D composites) have been produced from initial mixture of 95 mas% polylactic acid (PLA) and 5 mas% hydroxyapatite (HAP). Computer-aided design method, Blender software and fused filament fabrication (FFF; fiber diameter 1,75 mm) with 3D printing were used in sample production. 100 mas% PLA disks served as control. One of the sample surfaces was textured with 0,3–0,5 mm wide grooves. Physicochemical properties of 11 mm disks (geometry, mass, morphology, roughness, electrostatic voltage, surface wettability, and element composition) were studied. Biological trials included the evaluation of 24-hour cytotoxicity of 8 mm samples in culture of mononuclear leukocytes of a healthy volunteer or human Jurkat T cell leukemia-derived cell line (hereafter Jurkat T cells). Moreover, osteogenic potential of 11 mm disks was determined in 21-day culture of human adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (AMMSCs) be means of osteocalcin secretion and intercellular matrix mineralization visualized by alizarin red S staining. Results. The features of PLA-HAP 3D composites generated by 3D printing correspond to physicochemical parameters which are crucial for bone tissue recovery. In case of small amount of calcium and phosphorus they facilitated ex vivo mineralization of extracellular matrix formed in AMMSCs culture. The number of died (by necrosis, mainly) leukemic Jurkat T cells but not mononuclear leukocytes of a health volunteer increased to 9–10% in 24-hour in vitro contact with PLA-HAP 3D composites unlike PLA samples alone. Conclusion. Polar reaction of tumor and normal cells to PLA-HAP samples in case of increasing amount of calcium phosphates in 3D-composite may be valuable for the development of new materials used for osteosynthesis of fractures and endoprosthesis in patients with hematological malignancies.


  • Computer-aided design method, Blender software and fused filament fabrication (FFF; fiber diameter 1,75 mm) with 3D printing were used in sample production. 100 mas% polylactic acid (PLA) disks served as control

  • Osteogenic potential of 11 mm disks was determined in 21-day culture of human adipose-derived multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (AMMSCs) be means of osteocalcin secretion and intercellular matrix mineralization visualized by alizarin red S staining

  • The features of PLA-HAP 3D composites generated by 3D printing correspond to physicochemical parameters which are crucial for bone tissue recovery

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Для цитирования: Дружинина Т.В., Талалаев С.Я., Закиров Н.П., Щаденко С.В., Хабибуллин Ш.А, Хлусов И.А., Литвинова Л.С. Цель исследования – оценить ex vivo физико-химические и биологические свойства трехмерных (3D) биодеградируемых матриксов «полимолочная кислота – фосфаты кальция», полученных с помощью аддитивных технологий (3D-печати), как потенциальных материалов для восстановления костной ткани. Экспериментальные образцы (диски толщиной 1,2–1,6 мм и диаметром 8 или 11 мм) композитных биодеградируемых 3D-матриксов (далее – 3D-композиты) получены из исходной смеси 95 мас% полимолочной кислоты (PLA) и 5 мас% гидроксиапатита (НАР) методом компьютерного проектирования в программной среде Blender и последующего послойного наплавления нитей (диаметр 1,75 мм) при помощи 3D-принтера. Биологические испытания включали изучение 24-часовой цитотоксичности образцов диаметром 8 мм на культуре мононуклеарных лейкоцитов здорового добровольца или лейкозных Т-лимфобластоподобных клеток человека линии Jurkat 5332 (далее Jurkat Т-клетки). Характеристики трехмерных биодеградируемых матриксов PLA-HAP, полученных методом 3D-печати, во многом соответствуют физико-химическим параметрам, критичным для восстановления костной ткани. Цель исследования – оценить ex vivo физико-химические и биологические свойства 3Dбиодеградируемых матриксов «полимолочная кислота – фосфаты кальция», полученных с помощью 3D-печати, как потенциальных материалов для восстановления костной ткани

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Концентрации токсичных элементов в образцах
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