
Rats on diestrous day 1 were ovariectomized (OVX) and killed 10 days later. LH was measured by RIA and the metabolism of NE, DA and 5-HT were assayed concurrently in the suprachiasmatic (SCN), medial preoptic (MPO), dorsomedial (DMN), rostral (AN r) and caudal (AN c) arcuate nuclei as well as the median eminence (ME) utilizing HPLC with electrochemical detection. Serum LH increased 10–12 fold 10 days following OVX compared to diestrous controls. The injection of estradiol benzoate (Eb, 20 μg in corn oil/rat, SC) did not affect LH concentrations at 30 minutes but decreased serum LH both 60 and 180 min following its administration. OVX caused an increased NE metabolism (estimated by the concentration of the NE metabolite, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxypnenylethylene glycol) in the SCN, MPO, ME, and DMN and a decreased NE metabolism in the AN c compared to diestrous control values. All of these changes were reversed or attenuated 180 minutes following Eb treatment. Observed changes in the DA and 5-HT neuronal systems were more restricted and less dramatic with the largest effects on DA metabolism occurring in the DMN and ME and the clearest changes in 5-HT metabolism occurring in the MPO, AN r, and AN c. The results demonstrate that the inhibition of LH secretion following the injection of Eb to OVX rats is accompanied by changes in metabolism in NE neurons in preoptic (SCN and MPO) and medial (ME, DMN, and AN c) hypothalamic areas, as well as in DA neurons in the DMN and ME, and in 5-HT neurons in the MPO, AN r, and AN c.

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