
This paper reviews work from our laboratory on the metabolism and interrelations of isolated neuronal and neuropil fractions. The cell preparations are evaluated according to criteria of yield, purity, and integrity. Differences in the levels of activity of six groups of enzymes, of glucose metabolism, amino-acid metabolism, transmitter metabolism, acid hydrolysis, alkaline hydrolysis, and carbonic anhydrase have been followed, and neuronal and glial marker enzymes are proposed. Lysosomes and their enzymes are concentrated in neuronal perikarya. Metabolically, although no major differences in glucose oxidation have been found, there is considerable evidence of compartmentation of amino acids and their metabolism. At short times after injection of 3H-lysine as precursor in vivo, neuronal incorporation is high as compared with neuropil; at longer times the ratio is reversed, and we interpret this as evidence for the presence of a rapidly labeling protein fraction present in the neuromal perikarya but subsequently transported out. Neuronal protein incorporation is suppressed in the visual but not the motor cortex of dark-reared rats and is switched on following exposure to light; there is evidence that the suppressed fraction of neuronal protein synthesis includes the rapidly labeling component. A model for neuronal-glial metabolic interaction and its state-dependence in response to changes in the organism's environment and behavior is sketched out.

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