
Subpopulations T20 and T27, cloned from the human lung carcinoma line A549, differ significantly in their Cd 2+ cytotoxic response. T27 has an LC 50 of 31 μM Cd 2+ and a cytotoxic response threshold of 5 μM Cd 2+, whereas the T20s LC 50 is 15 μM Cd 2+ and there is no observed threshold for cytotoxicity. Cadmium-induced metallothionein (MT) synthesis, cadmium accumulation, glutathione (GSH) content, and Cd 2+-induced changes in GSH content were studied in T20 and T27 in an attempt to determine the mechanism(s) causing differential cytotoxic response. MT synthesis measured by following Cd 2+-induced [ 35S] incorporation into MT was found not to differ between T20 and T27. There is, however, a difference in Cd 2+ accumulation between the two subclones. T20 and T27 cells were exposed to 5 μM Cd 2+ for different times or to different concentrations of Cd 2+ for 8 h. The T27 subline, which is the more Cd 2+ resistant, was found to accumulate significantly more Cd 2+-both as a function of time exposed to Cd 2+ and as a function of Cd 2+ concentration. The two subpopulations were found to have comparable initial GSH contents, but showed different Cd 2+-induced changes in [GSH] when the cells were exposed to 5 μM Cd 2+. T27 cells maintained their GSH content following Cd 2+ exposure but T20 cells showed a Cd 2+-induced decrease in GSH content. The results indicate that the difference in Cd 2+ cytotoxic response between A549-T20 and A549-T27 cells is not attributable to alterations in MT synthesis nor to a difference in initial GSH content. Relative Cd 2+ cytotoxicity also does not in these cells correlate with relative Cd 2+ accumulation. The fact that T27 cells accumulate more Cd 2+ and yet are more Cd 2+ resistant than T20 cells suggests that T27 cells have a much more effective non-MT mechanism to handle intracellular Cd 2+. This may involve different GSH metabolism and/or yet undefined molecular factors.

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