
To the Editor: —The wholesale condemnation of celloidin as an embedding medium for ocular tissues by Wexler and Richardson, in their article entitled Paraffin Method of Embedding Ocular Specimens for Microscopic Study, published in the March, 1955, issue of theArchives, page 365, will surprise workers using the modern rapid methods of embedding in nitrocellulose. The statement that celloidin causes more shrinkage than paraffin is contrary to the experience of workers in delicate zoological and botanical tissues. Shrinkage of the choroid in celloidin blocks is due to poor choice of fixative, formalin being one of the worst offenders. For routine work six hours' fixation in fresh Zenker's solution is ample. Unfortunately, the belief dies hard that it takes many days or weeks to fix an eye. Small pieces of iris need only half an hour. There is little shrinkage, and 20 minutes

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