
An improved (13)C-density-labeling method was used to study cell wall synthesis in rapidly expanding, slowly expanding and recently mature internodes of Nitella translucens var axillaris (A.Br.) R.D.W. As cells matured, the rate of wall synthesis slowed and the deposition of cellulose microfibrils changed from a predominantly transverse direction in the primary wall of rapidly expanding internodes to a helicoidal array in the secondary wall of mature internodes. The secondary wall was characterized by relatively higher rates of cellulose synthesis and lower rates of pectin synthesis than the primary wall. The synthesis of xyloglucan also decreased markedly at the transition to secondary wall synthesis, while the synthesis of mannose-rich hemicellulose increased. Even though structural differences were striking between the primary and secondary walls of Nitella, compositional differences between the two types of wall were quantitative rather than qualitative.

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