
ABSTRACT Serge Mostowy earned his bachelor degree in physics and master degree in evolutionary biology from McGill University, Montreal, Canada, where he then continued for his PhD in microbiology and immunology (focusing on Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex genomics) at the McGill Centre for the Study of Host Resistance under the supervision of Marcel Behr. Serge moved to the Institute Pasteur, Paris, France, for post-doctoral work with Pascale Cossart on the cell biology of infection. In 2012, he established his own research group as a Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellow in the Department of Medicine at Imperial College and was awarded the Lister Institute of Preventative Medicine Research Prize in 2015. In 2018, Serge was appointed as Professor at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. He is the recipient of a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship and a European Research Council Consolidator Grant. The Mostowy laboratory is working on molecular mechanisms underlying bacterial infection and the role of the cytoskeleton in cellular immunity.

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