
Neurogenesis occurs throughout adulthood within the dentate gyrus, and evidence indicates that these new neurons play a critical role in both spatial and social memory. However, a vast majority of past research on adult neurogenesis has involved experiments with captive mice and rats, making the generalizability of results to natural settings questionable. We assessed the connection between adult neurogenesis and memory by measuring the home range size of wild-caught, free-ranging meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). Adult male voles (n = 18) were captured, fitted with radio collars, and released back into their natural habitat, where each vole’s home range was assessed using 40 radio-telemetry fixes over the course of 5 evenings. Voles were then recaptured, and brain tissue was collected. Cellular markers of cell proliferation (pHisH3, Ki67), neurogenesis (DCX), and pyknosis were labeled on histological sections and then quantified using either fluorescent or light microscopy. Voles with larger home ranges had significantly higher pHisH3+ cell densities within the granule cell layer and subgranular zone (GCL + SGZ) of the dentate gyrus and higher Ki67+ cell densities in the dorsal GCL + SGZ. Voles with larger ranges also had significantly higher pyknotic cell densities in the entire GCL + SGZ and in the dorsal GCL + SGZ. These results support the hypothesis that cell proliferation and cell death within the hippocampus are involved with spatial memory formation. However, a marker of neurogenesis (DCX+) was not correlated with range size, suggesting that there may be selective cellular turnover in the dentate gyrus when a vole is ranging through its environment.

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