
Fifty-seven patients with brain tumors (29 gliomas, 23 meningiomas, 5 miscellaneous) received infusions of intravenous iododeoxyuridine (IUdR) and bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) 1-5 hr apart shortly before tumor removal. Excised tumor specimens were stained sequentially for BUdR and IUdR. The percentage of BUdR-labelled cells was determined to establish the labelling index (LI), or S-phase fraction, and the ratio of cells labelled only with IUdR to cells labelled with BUdR or with BUdR and IUdR was determined to calculate the duration of S-phase (Ts) and the potential doubling time (Tp) of each tumor. The BUdR LIs varied from less than 1% to 20%, reflecting the malignancy of each tumor. Despite the difference in LIs, however, Ts was fairly uniform (mean +/- SD, 8.7 +/- 2.0 hr). Tp varied from 2 days to more than 1 month and correlated closely with the BUdR LIs (Tp = 23/LI0.93; r2 = 0.91). Double-labelling studies with IUdR and BUdR allow the S-phase fraction, Ts and Tp to be determined from a single biopsy specimen and thus provide more useful information on the growth characteristics of individual tumors than can be obtained by single-labelling studies with BUdR.

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