
‘Cell Division’: This poem is on process, on making as a human endeavour. Wrapped in terminology, language embodies placement where the body wants to land. As language creatures, humans attempt definition without including sensory episodes of navigation, cognitive disassociations of tripped-up aural sensation, i.e. what feels good, i.e. fun. The function of the imagination in language is to question its continual evolution – to grow the 'not-here' from the Self. With purposeful misspellings of text-speak, yr for your, and asking the reader to pronounce hum with extra mmms – the writer interlays mouth with media to reach past the moment of the poem, past the page, to the reader's eyes, skin and body lingo, to share in the process. Titled ‘Cell Division’, as tendrils of our collective unsettling, this poem looks at choice and mobility as concurrent quadrants in the act of doing. ‘O Positive’: As the unfolding of each moment presents itself, the question becomes, how much to hold onto what passes by? This poem, in its restraint and jangled incompletion, uses rhythm and meter inside the sentence form, to look at how communication travels inside the syntax of grammar. The sound of the breath as it moves through the lines, connects to the human flow referenced in the title – which then connects to the ending neologism infantic, itself, a landing spot without origin.

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