
Cardiac myocytes maintained in cell culture develop hypertrophy both in response to mechanical loading as well as to receptor-mediated signaling mechanisms. However, it has been shown that the hypertrophic response to these stimuli may be modulated through effects of intercellular contact achieved by maintaining cells at different plating densities. In this study, we show that the myocyte plating density affects not only the hypertrophic response and features of the differentiated phenotype of isolated adult myocytes, but also plays a significant role influencing myocyte survivalin vitro. The native rod-shaped phenotype of freshly isolated adult myocytes persists in an environment which minimizes myocyte attachment and spreading on the substratum, However, these conditions are not optimal for long-term maintenance of cultured adult cardiac myocytes. Conditions which promote myocyte attachment and spreading on the substratum, on the other hand, also promote the re-establishment of new intercellular contacts between myocytes. These contacts appear to play a significant role in the development of spontaneous activity, which enhances the redevelopment of highly differentiated contractile, junctional, and sarcoplasmic reticulum structures in the cultured adult cardiomyocyte. Although it has previously been shown that adult cardiac myocytes are typically quiescent in culture, the addition ofβ-adrenergic agonists stimulates beating and myocyte hypertrophy, and thereby serves to increase the level of intercellular contact as well. However, in densely-plated cultures with intrinsically high levels of intercellular contact, spontaneous contractile activity develops without the addition ofβ-adrenergic agonists. In this study, we compare the function, morphology, and natural history of adult feline cardiomyocytes which have been maintained in cultures with different levels of intercellular contact, with and without the addition ofβ-adrenergic agonists. Intercellular contact, communication, and transmission of contractile forces between myocytes appears to play a primary role in remodeling the 2-dimensional cell layer into a parallel alignment of elongated myocytes with highly developed intercalated disk-like junctions. This highly differentiated state is very stable, and cultures which achieve this state exhibit significantly greater longevity than more sparsely plated myocytes. These myocytes typically continue beating, and survive from 6 to more than 12 weeks in culture. When this level of contact and differentiation are not achieved, even amongβ-adrenergic stimulated myocytes, contractile activity is not sustained, myofibrils atrophy, there is little or no development of junctional complexes, and the period of myocyte viability is typically no more than 5 weeksin vitro.

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