
Claudin-2 (Cldn-2) is a channel-forming tight junction (TJ) protein in the proximal tubules that mediates paracellular Na+ transport and has also emerged as a regulator of proliferation and migration. Expression of Cldn-2 is altered by numerous stimuli, but the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely understood. Here we show that Cldn-2 protein and mRNA expression were low in subconfluent tubular cells and increased during junction maturation. Cldn-1 or occludin did not exhibit similar confluence-dependence. Conversely, disruption of TJs by Ca2+ removal or silencing of zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) or ZO-2 induced a large drop in Cldn-2 abundance. Immunofluorescent staining revealed a more uneven Cldn-2 staining in nascent, Cldn-1-positive TJs. Subconfluence and ZO-1 silencing augmented Cldn-2 degradation and reduced Cldn-2 promoter activity, suggesting that insertion into the TJs slows Cldn-2 turnover. Indeed, blocking endocytosis or lysosomal degradation increased Cldn-2 abundance. Cell confluence increased expression of the junctional adapters ZO-1 and -2, and the small GTPase Rac, and elevated Rac activity and p21-activated kinase (Pak) phosphorylation, suggesting that they might mediate confluence-dependent Cldn-2 regulation. Indeed, Rac silencing or Pak inhibition strongly reduced Cldn-2 protein abundance, which was likely the combined effect on turnover, as these interventions reduced Cldn-2 promoter activity and augmented Cldn-2 degradation. Taken together, our data suggest that TJ integrity and maturity, ZO-1 expression/TJ localization, and Rac/Pak control Cldn-2 degradation and synthesis. A feedback mechanism connecting Cldn-2 expression with junction remodeling, e.g., during wound healing, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, or tumor metastasis formation, may have important downstream effects on permeability, proliferation, and migration.

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