
Ten years in the life of a human rights organization is nearly a lifetime, a fact which is particularly true in the case of organizations in developing country contexts such as Uganda. Consequently, the 10th anniversary celebration of the Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) should not be taken for granted. This is especially true given its pioneering work in the rather neglected area of promoting and protecting the right to health (RTH). At 10, CEHURD is a paragon of the 3Vs: a Vibrant, Vivacious and Vigorous organization offering scholars and practitioners numerous points of reflection on the efficacy of protecting economic, social and cultural rights (ESCRs), against the backdrop of retreating state obligations, the onslaught of neo-liberal economic policies and dealing with a judicial system only grudgingly accepting the justiciability of this often-neglected category of human rights.

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