
I first met Smitu Kothari at my very first engagement with SID in New Delhi in 1988. Since then he has played a hugely supportive role in my life, both as a dear friend and as a stalwart supporter in all that SID and the journal aim to achieve. His unexpected and untimely death in March 2009 was both a devastating personal blow and profound loss to the collective work of the journal as well as the SID family. I realized as I read all the tributes from around the world that his loss will be felt by many other friends and networks. We are proud to devote this edition of the journal to Smitu Kothari. We remember in this journal issue aptly entitled ‘Beyond Economics’, his deep commitment to social and economic trasnformation, his work for peace and justice among the poorest communities in India, his global activism, his intellectual insights and above all his friendship and tremendous capacity for joy.

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