
The in vitro activity of cefmenoxime (SCE-1365) was evaluated in a multiphased collaborative investigation. Over 7,500 consecutive clinical isolates were tested in five laboratories, and greater than 90% of the following organisms were inhibited by cefmenoxime at the following concentrations: Enterobacteriaceae and non-enterococcal streptococci, </=0.125 mug/ml; Staphylococcus aureus, </=2.0 mug/ml; and nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli and Bacteroides fragilis group, </=32 mug/ml. Both beta-lactamase-producing and -nonproducing Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria gonorrhoeae were inhibited by cefmenoxime at </=0.03 mug/ml. The spectrum of cefmenoxime was similar to that of other, newer cephalosporins, particularly cefotaxime. A pronounced inoculum effect was found with some species upon increasing inocula from 10(5) to 10(7) colony-forming units per ml, resulting in an approximate eightfold increase in minimum inhibitory concentrations. Cefmenoxime was bactericidal when tested with inocula of 10(5) colonyforming units per ml, and mean differences between the minimum inhibitory concentration and the minimum lethal concentration were less than one log(2) dilution. No significant hydrolysis of cefmenoxime by five different beta-lactamases was detectable, and cefmenoxime exhibited marked inhibition of type I beta-lactamases. Regression and error rate-bounded analyses of results of disk diffusion and reference broth microdilution susceptibility tests were performed on 421 bacterial isolates, and the following tentative zone size breakpoints are proposed: >/=22 mm, susceptible; </=14 mm, resistant; and 15 to 21 mm, moderately susceptible (indeterminate). These data and cross-resistance studies with other newer cephalosporins indicate marked similarity of in vitro activity within this group of drugs, particularly between cefmenoxime, moxalactam, and cefotaxime. Any one of these could serve as the representative for the disk diffusion testing of this group of drugs if comparable minimum inhibitory concentration breakpoints were used for each drug.

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