
Migraine is the second most common primary headache after tension headaches. Sometimes cause significant alteration of the quality of life of sufferers. Diagnosis and treatment of the crisis abortive and prophylactic treatment of them is essential. For proper management will have to individualize treatment depending on age, sex and other comorbidities experienced by the migraine sufferer. The treatment of migraine attacks and prophylactic, should be applied to the required dose or in synergistic combinations, to improve effectiveness and prevent side effects. For handling not only drug treatment will be considered, but also the avoidance of triggers or enhancers factors. There are certain types of migraines less frequent occurrence, but if you do not think they can make the patient suffer wrong, and even dangerous treatment unneccesary and request unnecessary tests. Always before a migraine sufferer will have to make an accurate medical history and neurological examination to detect signs or warning signs that make us a test of neuroimaging or referral to a neurologist.

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