
The study demystified the places in Cebu named after an endemic flora. To answer the main problem, the following objectives were raised: (1) determine the clusters of flora used in the naming of places in Cebu, (2) identify the reasons why the barangays, towns, and cities are named after a specific flora; (3) describe the local stories of the communities as regards to the naming of places, (4) ascertain the local government intervention to promote the identity awareness of their places, and (5) design indigenized teaching models for instruction. This qualitative study used a hermeneutics analysis design, which focuses on interpreting the data gathered from the various key informants. The interview guide was used. Responses were transcribed, clustered, and analyzed. Places in Cebu named after endemic flora contained valuable insights regarding time and place in the past; it served an emblem of identity. The abundance of a certain species in the environment, language variation, miscommunication, colonization and the similarity of the colonizers’ place of origin were the factors in the naming of places. Government action and implementation are great advantages in the preservation of place-names. A vibrant way to preserve it in the classroom setting is contextualizing these endemic floras through indigenized NBC teaching models: Narra, Balili, and Cogon created a unique repertoire of teaching and its stories ignited students’ interest in learning and nuanced familiarity in the preservation of the community’s identity and pride of place.

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