
A CE assay for the simultaneous determination of charged and uncharged potential impurities (1S,2S-(+)-norpseudoephedrine, 1R,2S-(-)-norephedrine, phenylacetone and phenylacetone oxime) of dexamphetamine sulfate including the stereoisomer levoamphetamine was developed and validated. The optimized background electrolyte consisted of a 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer, pH 3.0, containing 80 mg/mL sulfobutylether-beta-CD and 25 mg/mL sulfated beta-CD. Separations were performed in 40.2/35 cm, 50 mum id fused-silica capillaries at a temperature of 20 degrees C and an applied voltage of -10 kV. 1R,2S-(-)-ephedrine was used as internal standard. The assay was validated in the range of 0.05-1.0% for the related substances and in the range of 0.05-5.0% for levoamphetamine. The LOD was 0.01-0.02% depending on the analyte. The assay also allowed the separation of the E,Z-stereoisomers of phenylacetone oxime. The effect of the degree of substitution of sulfobutylether-beta-CD was investigated. In commercial samples of dexamphetamine sulfate between 3.2 and 3.7% of levoamphetamine were found. Furthermore, phenylacetone and phenylacetone oxime could be observed at the LOD, indicating the synthetic origin of the investigated samples.

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