
Microbe-associated aluminum (Al) hydroxides occur naturally in aquatic and geologic environments and they might play a crucial role in the sequestration of trace metals because these composite solids comprise both reactive mineral and organic surface, but how they do it still remains unknown. Here we replicate Al hydroxide organo−mineral composite formation in soil and sediments by synthesising composites using Pseudomonas putida cells, during coprecipitation with Al hydroxide. Morphological and ATR-FTIR analysis show closely attached nano-sized Al hydroxides on the bacterial surface. For composites dominated by either bacteria or Al hydroxide, an enhanced metal adsorption is observed on the composites than on pure Al hydroxide at pH < 6. Cd uptake by the mainly Al mineral composite is approximately additive, i.e., the sum of the end-member metal adsorptivities, whereas that on the mainly bacteria composite is non-additive. This non-additive sorption is not only due to the blockage of surface reactive sorption sites, but more importantly the changes of surface charge when bacteria and Al mineral are interacted. EXAFS results show that Cd is predominately sorbed as a bidentate corner-sharing complex on the amorphous Al hydroxide surface and a carboxyl-binding on the bacterial surface. This study has important implications for understanding both Al and trace metal cycling in microbe-rich geologic environments.

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