
Reagan's job performance in general and regarding the economy, the Soviet Union, unemployment; optimistic/pessimistic outlook about next two years with Reagan; first thing that comes to mind when think of Reagan; most important problem facing country; U.S. headed in right direction; Reagan as a strong leader/competent person with vision to lead country; Reagan's control over his administration; chances of Reagan getting U.S. into a war; economic changes; possibility of becoming rich with hard work; Social Security solvency; proposal to: increase Social Security taxes, raise eligibility age, tax Social Security benefits of married couple earning over $25,000 per year, postpone increases in benefits; use of other government revenues to pay Social Security benefits; U.S. vs. U.S.S.R. in military strength; present/future effect of Reagan's economic program on economy; means to reduce budget deficit: reduce proposed military and defense spending, eliminate tax cut planned for July, reduce spending on proposed programs for the poor; reduce cost-of-living increases in Social Security, increase federal taxes; government spending on new weapons; likelihood of unemployed adult in family within next 12 months; if unemployed, likelihood of getting a job quickly; government creation of jobs for the unemployed; proposal to give back two weeks salary to employers to reduce unemployment; government's ability to reduce unemployment; expected drop in unemployment rate; cause of unemployment: high cost of labor, Reagan' s policies, unmotivated people, foreign products, measures to reduce inflation, previous Democratic policies, high interest rates, unskilled people, poor business management; unemployed adults in household in last year; length of unemployment; employment presently full/part time; unemployed chief-wage-earner; effect of unemployment on standard of living; other unemployed person in household; effect of unemployment on family: used savings, missed payments on loans, borrowed money, lowered food quality, considered moving, argued more, received unemployment checks; reasons for not collecting unemployment checks: previous instances of unemployment; respondent previously unemployed; reduced income in last year; price increases today vs. two years ago; U.S. involvement in Vietnam; registration; financial situation past/present/future; political ideology.

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