
Tisova jama (-235 m) je na gori Beljanici (Karpato-Balkanidi) v Vzhodni Srbiji. Vhod vanjo se odpira v dnu udornice (180 × 160 m), pod katero je podzemeljska dvorana z do sedaj najvecjo znano povrsino (11 374 m2 ) in prostornino (približno 170 000 m3 ) med jamami v Srbiji. Tako velikost si je mogoce razložiti s prisotnostjo mocnega podzemeljskega toka v nedostopnih delih jame. Odnasanje gradiva je porusilo stabilnost kamnine pod vrtaco, kar je povzrocilo podiranje in poglabljanje vrtace. The cave Tisova Jama (-235 m) is located on Beljanica Mountain (Carpatho-Balkanides, Eastern Serbia). Its entrance pit is situated at the bottom of a great collapse doline (dimensions 180 x 160 m), below which there is a chamber with the greatest surface (11 374 m 2 ) and volume (approx. 170 000 m 3 ) so far known among Serbian caves. Such dimensions can be explained by the presence of a strong underground stream in the unreachable part of the cave. Removal of the material disrupts the stability of the rock below the doline, which leads to breakdown and deepening of the doline.

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