
Approximately 300 cases of cavernous sinus thrombosis have been reported in the literature.<sup>1</sup>Of these, the great majority have occurred either by metastatic infection from a focus drained by this sinus, or by the extension of a neighboring infectious process. The case here reported gave very little evidence, either direct or presumptive, of an infectious etiology, and for that reason is of sufficient interest to warrant publication. <h3>REPORT OF CASE</h3> F. B., a man, aged 29, single, a store clerk, admitted to the Wisconsin General Hospital, Feb. 14, 1925, had had diabetes since May, 1924, which had been treated by regulation of the diet with fair success. For the past six mouths his diet had not been carefully controlled, and he had a recurrence of the diabetic symptoms. For two weeks before admission he had not been feeling well, and on February 12 he suddenly noted that the right

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