
In the past few years, there has been critical advance in understanding the causes, symptoms, and medications for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This literature review aims to summarize the current understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by examining various studies and research conducted in recent years. This review will focus on the causes, effects, different symptoms, and solutions for individuals that suffer from autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The patients often experience a wide range of effects that impact their social communication, behavior, and sensory processing. Difficulties in social interaction, communication challenges, repetitive behaviors, and sensory sensitivities are common characteristics of ASD. These effects can vary in severity and manifestation from person to person, highlighting the heterogeneous nature of the disorder.Genetic factors play a significant part, with certain gene mutations and varieties contributing to the development of ASD. Moreover, natural components and pre-birth complications are also related with higher risks of ASD.The paper discusses the implications of these findings in refining our understanding of autism and ultimately developing improved interventions and support mechanisms for individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

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