
The significant changes taking place recently in the agrocenoses of our country are quite a challenge for specialists in plant protection. Among other problems, attention is drawn to the increase in the number and harmfulness of bacterial diseases. Vegetable crops are in the area of special attention. The spread of soft bacterial rot during the cultivation and storage of vegetables causes significant losses to farms. Forecasting the spread and organization of measures to control pathogens of bacterial soft rots of vegetable crops requires an assessment of the spectrum of widespread pathogens. In recent years, pathogens of the genus Dickeya have attracted special attention among the causative agents of bacterial soft rots of vegetable crops. This pathogen was previously found only in the tropics and subtropics. However, in recent years, the number of reports on damage to various vegetable crops by this phytopathogen in European countries has been increasing. The movement of the pathogen to the north is also accompanied by an increase in the aggressiveness of the pathogen and an increase in economic losses from damage by wet bacterial rot both during the cultivation of plants and during the period of crop storage. The purpose of the presented research is to analyze and summarize data on the harmfulness, ways of spreading, identification and methods of control of pathogens of bacterial soft rots of vegetable crops of the genus Dickeya. The work uses general scientific (generalization, comparison, system analysis) methods. It was established that phytopathogenic bacteria of the genus Dickeya have a significant potential for introduction on the territory of Ukraine. Bacterial rot caused by representatives of this genus can affect the most important vegetable crops for our country: potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. The spread of pathogens of the genus Dickeya occurs with seed material during agricultural work. To prevent significant economic losses from this pathogen, it is necessary, first of all, to introduce pre-sowing control of seed material.

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