
Drug abuse among the youth is a widespread problem in many countries including the Philippines. Thus, thisstudy was conducted to determine the root causes of drug abuse among students in colleges as an avenue in looking for possiblesolutions. Mere law enforcement activities will be ineffective in curbing the prevalent drug abuse if its root causes will not beproperly addressed. With this, there is a need to know the causes of drug abuse as a framework in re-aligning the prevention andrehabilitation programs to ensure its effectiveness. Survey instruments and interview were employed as techniques in gatheringdata. The respondents includes the law enforcement agencies handling drug related cases such as the police and drug enforcers.College faculty and staff whose function is related in handling cases of students were also included. The result of this studyrevealed that the top ten causes of drug abuse among students in colleges are peer influence, lack of attention from parents, seriousproblems in the family, lack of guidance from parents, weak foundation on moral values, suffering frustrations, absence of schoolanti-drug abuse council, lack of drug abuse prevention activities, means to temporarily forget problems, and lack of concern fromfaculty and staff.

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