
Domestic violence refers to physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse from on intimate relationship due to unequal power structure between man and women. Domestic violence is a social crime, but society in India consider it is a personal matter. This thinking carry women in a vulnerable position. Domestic violence refer to violence against women specially in matrimonial house. Many causes of domestic violence in a common area are equal. The main cause of domestic violence as discrimination between male and female, social condition of women, age, education, place of residence, caste, religion, sex of the head of the house hold, standard and living work status of women and dowry. Domestic violence is recognized as the significant barriers of the empowerment of women with the consequences of physical, economic and social status. According to National Family Health Survey 2009, 40 percent women daily beaten by her husband any excuse. 31 percent women tolerate different type of domestic violence. Domestic violence is a under reported problem of India, Women did not complaint domestic violence cause of social stigma “Log Keya Kahange.” According on NGO-in India s crore women faced domestic violence in her house. In which only 0.1 percent women did complaint against it. People thinking that working women, independent women and educated women did not became victim of domestic violence. A survey in Banaglore 2005–2006 it is found that 80 percent working women became the victim of domestic violence by their husband then house wife such research to faced us reality of women empowerment. In spite of all government efforts and help of social awareness programme, dangerous incidents of domestic violence continue. In such circumstances women have to survive and lade a honorable life, for that it is necessary to change the thinking inside and outside the house towards the women.

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