
The present paper outlines the main causes of delay in large building projects in Saudi Arabia and their relative importance. A survey of a randomly selected sample of 24 contractors, 15 architectural/engineering firms (A/E) and nine owners from the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia was undertaken. The survey included 56 causes of delay, and the respondents were asked to indicate their degree of importance. The delay factors were grouped into nine major groups. The level of importance of the causes and the groups were measured and ranked by their importance index for contractors, owners and A/Es. It was found that contractors, A/Es, and owners generally agree on the ranking of the individual delay factors. It was also shown that contractors and A/Es substantially agree on the ranking of the groups of delay factors, whereas contractors and owners, and A/Es and owners do not agree. It was also shown that the financing group of delay factors was ranked the highest by all three parties and that environment was ranked the lowest.

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