
We studied hedgehog admissions to the three Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers of the Valencian Community (eastern Spain) over a five years period (2009-2013). A total of 490 hedgehogs were admitted: 84% corresponded to common hedgehogs and 16% to Algerian hedgehogs. A bimodal distribution of the admissions was observed along the year, with highest number of admissions during summer and another (lower) peak on winter. Main reasons for admission were casual encounters (41%) and orphaned young hedgehogs (19%). A total of 299 hedgehogs (71% of the individuals that arrive alive to the centers) could be released successfully to the wild, with better recovery indices for animals accidentally found, previously held in captivity and orphaned young; and worst indices for parasitized hedgehogs, affected by infections and by road casualties. With regards to orphaned young hedgehogs, arrival weight was the variable with highest influence over the likelihood of successfully rehabilitation. Finally, involving the general public in the rehabilitation process proved to be very productive, for both environmental awareness purposes and the own rehabilitated animals. Download the complete issue.

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